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Somebody post all my mods


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I have several modifications that I added to the game, none of wich add any lag, but they all have a big effect on combat and esthetics (imho). Personally I think I have fine tuned the combat to a level that cannot be improved without adding new animations, wich is not possible, at least not worth the effort. Other than adding tk combat wich I find not to my liking.


Mostly weapon locations with armed to the teeth and minor retexture to the scout armor, clipping issues, floating, minor retexture to the scout armor to make the skirt same color as pants to hide clipping , invisibility and healing from right hand without de-equiping shield, combat anim changes. As of now, most my mods are only for male skeletons and 1 handed combat.à


Only ask that the poster mentions simeonz as the modder


I will dump all the hkx and nif files and somebody with armed to the teeth and ck skills ( very simple ) just explain it to people.


Basicly this video shows all, there is some very nice changes to the esthetics and the combat looks better.





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