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Help needed on gaming site


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I've loved games since I was little and became very interested in modding when I was a teenager.


Since starting work as a developer I decided to set up my own little modding site where I could store and retrieve all the mods I had collected.


One of my friends offered to lend a hand and we decided to open up the collection freely to the public in 2007.


Things have cropped up and we can't dedicate as much time as we used too. I seldom get the time to play games and find new mods, my friend has other commitments now too, kids etc.


We are looking for some help with the content and moderation of the site. We might set up a forum and see how it goes. All though we would need someone to moderate/populate it.


As time goes on, more games are released and some are just plain addictive, our goal is to have a wide selection of games and mods available.


We're trying our best and we hope to gain some support soon. The site gets no funding and is always in the red. It was set up purely because of a love for games.


It can get dis-heartening at times but I hope to persevere with the site for a while longer.


If you have a bit of spare time on your hands then please let me know if you want to help.


:thanks: for reading.

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