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$$$ signs on character menu


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Hi everyone, I've been looking (using the search bar at the top) for information as to what I might have done wrong when I downloaded a charcter mod. Here's a quick description when I go into showracemenu, at the character build screen everything has $$$ signs before it. (For example $$$ DONE. Where DONE would be the "button" you'd click on) It's kind of difficult to describe it perfectly. I'm hopig someone may get an idea of what I mean. I have the following mods installed that change characters( this is off the top of my head I'm not at home right now) but after reading the instructions/install/compatibility readme files none of them seem to conflict with each other:

RaceMenu(downloaded but not activated).

Xevius CharacterEnhancement (activated)

Appachii hairstyle(activated)

Expanded Skyrim Preset

Custom Race Menu(not sure if this one is activated).

After I deactivated any character mods I could think of I went back to Showracemenu and they were still there.

I really wish I weren't computer illiterate. Last time I studied anything computer related is when anyone that had a computer had to have some knowledge of Cobol or cobalt or whatever it was called 30 years ago. Too bad I don't know anyone that could set my Skyrim up the right way for me. Information, suggestions or ideas to fix it would be appreciated.


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