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Devil May Cry 5

Request - Boss Swapper mod


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I know there's a mod where you can swap enemies such as the one by DanceMacabra69, but what I wanted most was a mod to swap the bosses with enemies/other bosses from each missions (like Goliath with Riot, or Artemis with Goliath for example).


As a needed context for what I meant by swapping bosses, this is the example for a boss swapper mod that I was looking for (Doesn't have to strictly be for Gilgamesh, of course):


There used to be a mod like that, who from what I can research may have been made by Techwrex. But when I found it on NexusMods, it was deleted for some reason. Now recently, only the enemy swapper mods remain.


Is there anyone who knows how to swap bosses with an enemy that can make the idea into a mod, or maybe DanceMacabra69 can make the enemy swapper mod for bosses?

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