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i want to request a weretiger standalone or replace werewolf skin


just because now i'm bore with the werewolf and i'm think the weretiger might be great


and i'm also found the werebear mod that actually brilliant mod - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31164


so if it possible i'm think it might be a werelion or werepanther


so if it possible anyone pls. make this mod :biggrin: :biggrin:

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I found this some time ago wish you enjoy


I think it could be diferent depending of the race of the player after you get infected by Lycanthropy you would get the form more appropriated to your race:


Humans - Werewolf(not logic but mainstream)

Argonians - Werecrocodile

Khajiits - Werelions

...next ones are not so logic...


Altmer - Werevultures(well this in not really important...but they simbol is the eagle so it can have some logic)

Orsimer - Wereboars( they share the same teeths)

Nords - Werebears


I dont know if there are more Lycanthropy types ...but completly open to more ideias and better than these ones, just keep it lore friendly.

Edited by Bruninfante
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