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Repair Overhaul


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I've seen a mod that has something similar to what I'm thinking of, but not really. I think my idea may well be impossible, but I'll mention it anyway.


I'd love to see repair work where when something on your weapon breaks, you need a specific repair part. A sawed off shotgun doesn't have all of the same parts as a combat shotgun, so it doesn't make sense to be able to just "use it up" to fix whatever is wrong. But what if there was a problem with the hammer? Maybe the hammer from one shotgun is compatible with others. Maybe the barrel, or trigger assembly. But then there would also be components in the combat shotgun that aren't in the sawed off - the magazine rotation assembly, etc.


If you're wearing power armor, there are many different components that could wear out. Sure it might just be the plating, which you could fix with scrap metal, but maybe it's the sensor module in the helmet. Maybe it's the goggles.


Basically it would make all repair like an extremely complicated schematics overhaul, where you disassemble items into their components, then use the specific components needed to fix specific problems. I suppose if you gathered all of the components you could even build standard weapons from scratch. Gather up enough 10mm pistol pieces, and there's no reason why you can't put them together into a working pistol, right?


Perhaps even upgrades to standard items - recipes where you take components of one item and add to another. Put a scope on any pistol. Make a laser sniper rifle. Outfit your Assault rifle to have huge clips of 100 rounds.




Just a bunch of ideas. Any thoughts?

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sounds nice, but then again, why would you want to make a 10mm pistol or an assault riffle when there are SO many scattered around, i mean, i make my living out of collecting assault riffles and selling them to traders! and i can tell you i do collect a LOT of those... in fact... it would be nice if you could assemble OTHER kinds of weapons from the... remains of standard ordnance.
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on a second thought if i understand correctly you want basically two things... one being able to disasemble any weapon to it's core components, then using all that junk to repair other weapons... is that it?

well, there is actually a mod that allows to repair weapons using junk, scrap metal and such. it does not allows you to dismember any weapon, but to be honest, with AALL the junk lying around out there in the wasteland who needs even MORE junk? just use whatever there is to repair the weapons :)

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