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Stealth suddenly not effective


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Earlier today I went to launch Skyrim with SKSE as usual, then got the launcher, which immediately reset all of my settings, which was fun enough, but when I loaded a save to see what it had done I got a message that SKSE wasn't running. Thinking that was odd, I backed out, relaunced Skyrim with SKSE, again as usual, and everything seemed to be fine.


Once I started playing I noticed that suddenly my stealth skills were pretty much gone. I've got a Sneak of 99, muffled boots, and Quiet Casting, but I've gone from walking right up to anyone without them seeing me to being instantly spotted by bandits at a distance at midnight. If I cast a spell, even from a distance that would have been safe even without Quiet Casting, enemies immediately start looking for me. They seem to be able to hear me when I move, even when Muffled, and a few times they could attack me even when I was Muffled and Invisible. I had one bandit turn and watch me as I, in theory completely undetectable by sound and sight, circled around his camp.


Apart from that odd launcher reset, nothing's changed since I played yesterday. I've started looking through BOSS for anything that might be causing this, but I thought I'd see if anyone else had any ideas while I do that. Any ideas?

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