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Interested in Writing Some Zoopedia Entries


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Hey, I'm a really big fan of what everyone has been able to do for this game so far. I'd love to be part of the community, but I'm terrible at 3D models and animations. What I'm absolutely capable of doing is writing, so I was curious if anyone working on mods right now would be interested in having me writing their animal's Zoopedia entry text!

For some sample writing, here's some potential Zoopedia writing for my favorite spider species, the Gooty Sapphire Ornamental:

The Gooty sapphire ornamental (or Poecilotheria metallica) - also known as the Gooty sapphire tarantula - is a large species of tarantula that lives in the deciduous forests of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The 'sapphire' part of their name is derived from their striking blue coloration, which is broken up sporadically by the white and yellow bands on their leg joints and by the intricate white patterns on their backs, although young spiders are much duller in color. Gooty sapphire ornamentals are somewhat large spiders with a maximum leg span of 15 to 20 cm. They are considered critically endangered due to their extremely small natural habitat, which is being made progressively smaller due to deforestation and the harvesting of firewood.


Gooty sapphire ornamentals are solitary animals and are likely to be aggressive towards each other if kept together in a terrarium.


The male will spin a web on the ground onto which he will deposit sperm before absorbing it onto his palps (mouth appendages). After locating a female, he will deposit the sperm from his palps into a furrow on her abdomen. Unlike most tarantula species, the male Gooty has no tibial clasps, meaning the female can easily kill him before mating is finished if she is sufficiently hungry. She will store the sperm in the furrow until she is ready to lay over 100 eggs in an egg sac, a period of time that can last anywhere from 4 to 6 months.


  1. The Gooty sapphire ornamental was named after the town of Gooty in India where the spider was first discovered in a local railyard. However, the spider likely was transported there by rail as their actual habitat is a tiny 39 square mile forest located 100 kilometers northeast of Gooty.
  2. Gooty sapphire ornamentals are highly sensitive to light and will flee at the sudden presence of bright lights.
  3. Although normally solitary in nature, Gooty ornamentals will live communally if living space is scarce.
  4. While the venom of the Gooty sapphire ornamental is known to be extremely painful, there has yet to be a single recorded death linked to the Gooty's venom.
  5. The genus name Poecilotheria is derived from the Ancient Greek "poikilos", meaning "spotted" and "therion", meaning "wild beast".

I know it's not perfect, but this is my way of trying to get somewhat into the modding community for this game. Let me know if you're interested!

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