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Survival Mode: Way to lower your Fatigue


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Something I liked about Coner's Survival Mode and Survival Configulator (which I wish was up) was that they included patches for extra mods that allowed you to either temporarily remove your Fatigue (Eli's Coffee mod with Coner) or use tea to lower your overall fatigue (Survival Configulator). I was wondering if it was possible for someone to make a mod that did this for vanilla Survival Mode, because it's really hard to play some quest mods (Carved Brink is an example) when you have no where to sleep and you're stuck with an ever damaging Fatigue stat that doubles as not being able to level up. It would make playing quest mods with Survival Mode on less of a pain without, you know, turning it off. I would use Survival Config (I prefer it over Coner's Survival Mode), but again it's hidden.

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You're in luck! this to my knowledge is relatively lightweight and fairly compatible www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10489 if you're surrounded by enemies there's a mod of unknown name to me that temporarily allows you to sleep behind enemy lines. that one you'll have to search yourself. there used to be a mod that let the wooden mask transport you to a bromajur (however spelled) player home pocket dimension, but this is similar www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24283

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You're in luck! this to my knowledge is relatively lightweight and fairly compatible www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10489 if you're surrounded by enemies there's a mod of unknown name to me that temporarily allows you to sleep behind enemy lines. that one you'll have to search yourself. there used to be a mod that let the wooden mask transport you to a bromajur (however spelled) player home pocket dimension, but this is similar www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24283

Oh wow amazing find! Thanks a ton!

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