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Weapon Animation


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I have a problem getting my script for weapon animations to work. The animations dont run, when the animation event is fired. Can you help me out please?


Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
	if (AsenAsgardianBladeWeaponList.HasForm(akBaseObject)) && (IsAsgardianBladeEquipped == false)
		IsAsgardianBladeEquipped = true
		TEMPAsenWeapon = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon()
		TEMPAsenWeaponSpell = AsenAsgardianBladeSpellList.GetAt(GetFormIndex(AsenAsgardianBladeWeaponList, akBaseObject)) as Spell
		TEMPAsenWeaponBlockingSpell = AsenAsgardianBladeBlockingSpellList.GetAt(GetFormIndex(AsenAsgardianBladeWeaponList, akBaseObject)) as Spell
		RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.GetPlayer(), "WeaponSwing")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
	if ! (akSource == Game.GetPlayer())

	if (asEventName == "WeaponSwing") && (IsAsgardianBladeEquipped == true); && (IsPowerAttacking == true)
		((TEMPAsenWeapon as Form) as ObjectReference).PlayGamebryoAnimation("UnfoldAll")
;		IsPowerAttacking = false
		((TEMPAsenWeapon as Form) as ObjectReference).PlayGamebryoAnimation("FoldAll")


The animations are stored in a .nif file, it basicly is built up like the nordic wooden door. Take a look at the attached .nif for more details about the model.

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I don't know much about scripting and I've only done some very basic C coding, but I may see a problem with the script logic. On line 2 of your script you have "if (AsenAsgardianBladeWeaponList.HasForm(akBaseObject)) && (IsAsgardianBladeEquipped == false)". IsAsgardianBladeEquipped would be checked if it's false on the event OnObjectEquipped. But when are you setting it to false anywhere in your code previous to this? Are you doing so when you define it?


Again, I don't know a thing about scripting, so I wouldn't surprised if what I just said is complete arse.

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I don't know much about scripting and I've only done some very basic C coding, but I may see a problem with the script logic. On line 2 of your script you have "if (AsenAsgardianBladeWeaponList.HasForm(akBaseObject)) && (IsAsgardianBladeEquipped == false)". IsAsgardianBladeEquipped would be checked if it's false on the event OnObjectEquipped. But when are you setting it to false anywhere in your code previous to this? Are you doing so when you define it?


Again, I don't know a thing about scripting, so I wouldn't surprised if what I just said is complete arse.


Dont worry about that:

Bool IsAsgardianBladeEquipped = False 

I am also setting it back to "false" on the unequip event, but thats not an issue since my spells that run through this mechanic are casted.

Edited by Medusa30
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I took a look at the dwarven mechanical weapons mod, but the logic of those weapons just looks shitty on my one even if I copy the scripts and model strcture 1:1. Don't you guys know any way to get NiControlSequences working für weapons?

Edited by Medusa30
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