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[mod request] Killable Children (NOT For the reason you think)


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You know what I like in cyberpunk 2077? Getting five stars and salvaging turrets for parts or turning the crime prevention system over to my side with a couple of quickhacks. You know what I don't like? - My SKIPPY smart pistol suddenly being holstered every time a random kid runs by the pedestrian, acting like this giant invisible wall that messes up my entire crime spree.


Now if there were to be a mod that makes children killable, or removes them entirely; that'd be dope. I hate it when a children runs by a pedestrian and my character is magically "unable to fire" - as if some chip in his brain says "Cannot fire, does not compute. I have decided to become a pacifist for 2.5 seconds for no reason"

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  • 8 months later...

Seriously. Why is this not a thing, yet?


And my reasoning is also because they're f***in' creepy. Let me erase them. With Skippy.


Also, also, because they're cunts. They're all just Braithe's. They need to die. Let's cull them and make NC a better place to live!

Edited by SamaGaara
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