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[LE] Update stored text of an alias

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I have a quest that uses notes and topic prompts with <Alias=StoredAlias>, and of course the quest has a StoredAlias with stores text enabled.

My problem is that this is long (in real time) quest, and the use of the text replacement is quite far away from when the quest starts.

In this duration it is very likely that player actions will get the Actor stored in the Alias to get renamed with SKSE's Actor.SetDisplayName().


Maybe this is a design blunder from my part, but it's not really possible to redesign this quest now.

The problem is of course that the stored text is stored at the start of the quest, when the Actor is still called say Bob, then during the quest he may get renamed to Thomas, but at the later point, he's still referred to as Bob regardless of whether he was renamed or not.


Is there a way to force an Alias to update it's stored text? If there's no such function (I didn't find anything that would seem to do this in the wiki), would clearing then ForceRefTo-ing the alias back refresh the stored text?

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