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Easier browsing of user images on mod pages?


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I'm sorry if this has been asked before - and I can't believe it hasn't, though my efforts at searching proved fruitless.


Is it possible to enable user images on mod pages to be browsed through using the cursor keys, in much the same way that images uploaded by the mod author can? Clicking on an author-posted image enlarges it for viewing, then the cursor keys can be used to move forward and back through the images in the gallery. Clicking on a user-posted image enlarges it for viewing as well, but the cursor keys take you back to the author-posted images, and the only way to view all the user images is to click on each one to enlarge it, click again to close it, then click on the next one in the list, and so on.


In many cases, I've found that the mod author either posts too few images, or, perhaps, images that are too poorly chosen to represent the mod, and it's the user images that really tell the story. In other cases, the sheer number of user-posted images is quite large, and using only the mouse feels a bit cumbersome to me.


Thank you for your consideration.

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