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Dual sheath help


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Hi I'm trying to get dual sheaths to work but not getting the results I want.


I'm using


Leanwolfs better shaped weapons with dual wield with dual sheath option clicked.


Ecotone Dual Sheath with required mods installed.

If I equip a sword in my left hand, it also creates a sheath and sword on the right side even if my hands empty or has another weapon equipped. Only does this with sword.



I also don't like that with a 1h mace or 1h axe equipped, it sheaths to the same side as you wield it , resulting in clipping if paired with sword/dagger


Any fix for that? not a biggie
Here's some screens of the left hand sword problem
Left hand sword
When weapon is out
Left hand sword right hand dagger
and out
Thanks :D
Edited by CaptMidnightuk
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Netimmersive is included in Racemenu


EDIT: PS> You can still get the standalone Netimmersive Override (v 3.4.4) here at nexus



(just happened to see it in my mod list while checking for another mod close by it.

I'll try it see if it works with SE


this is what I get now







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