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Changing banners/decorations based on Civil War.


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Hi folks, wondering if you could me out with a bit of a headscratcher.


I'm working on the next version of my Game of Thrones Adaptation Mod (V4 coming soon!); http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20925


One of the things I'm doing for the next version of the mod I am adding more banners and adornments to the various settlements, but would like these banners to change based on which faction controls that town - in the mod these will be houses like Stark and Lannister, but for the purposes of this question I'll use the vanilla names.


Let's say I have decorated Windhelm with a lot more Stormcloak flags and what-not, but choose to side with the Imperials in the Civil War questline. How would I go about telling the game that Imperial conquest of Windhelm should also prompt all of those Stormcloak flags to change to Imperial ones?


I have seen this occur in the vanilla game with the Whiterun Watchtower and one of the watchtowers near Riften, but can't for the life of me find how it was done. Been digging through the Civil War quest scripts which I suspect is hiding the answer to the problem but it seems akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Any help would be grand!


EDIT: Still digging through it, and think the CWGarrison scripts are the ones that need looking at.

Edited by Kualan
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My search through the CWGarrison scripts has turned up nothing. Scripting is the one area of Skyrim modding I only have a little bit of experience in, but I'm hoping this will be a relatively simply process once we discovered just -where- I need to be looking.

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