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[MOD Request] Hoe area of effect shape and even application.


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My issue is with raising and lowering ground. When I make a wall or a set of terraces for cultivation I get strange issues at the tops and bottoms of walls.

I can get the tops absolutely perfect for flatness. Razor sharp edges. However when I am flattening the tops and get too close to the edge the hoe also adjusts the ground at the base of the wall within the circle.

Likewise when I am getting the ground flat at the base of the wall it erodes the top edge of the wall at the same time. So it turns into a tug or war. I can have 1 or the other perfect but not both.


My request is a modification of the hoe in two ways.

1) Make it a square instead of a circle.

2) Make the area of effect flatten the same amount.


It seems the center of the circle flattens hard and fades out as it nears the edge of the circle of effect.


Is it possible to address this issue or no?


Thank you.

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