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Strange red Sun Texture in MATSO ENB (COT)


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Hi Everyone, this is my first post on the forum, but I've got a little problem that's been bugging me..


I'm using Climates of Tamriel and MATSO ENB (COT compatible version). Everytime the sun moves behind trees or objects ("godray position"), this ugly red texture pops in. This is only when both my ENB and COT are active. It's obviously an intended part of the visual effects, but what is it exactly?

Is it possible to turn it off or lower it in the enbseries file?




The texture seems very low-def and is a lot more obvious than the picture might suggest.


Thanks for any help you might suggest!

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  • 2 months later...


Never Mind, fixed it. It was the Suncoronaintensity setting in enbseries.

Hi man!


How did you solve this problem?





You need to open the in-game ENB menu (if available) using Shift+Enter


Then scroll down to the settings for the sun, youll find them under [sKY]


And set these to disable the Corona, which is very disturbing..







If you don't have the ENB menu (old version of ENB) then open the file enbseries.ini in your Skyrim directory. It has the same settings.

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