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perk to reduce AP cost of melee weapons in VATS

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  • 4 weeks later...

In the VATS Enhanced legendary weapon mod, AP cost is reduced through the properties of the object mod itself. This method works only for weapons.

In order to use the actor value LGND_APCostMult [AVIF:001F1D63], you have to first add it to the player. That's done with object mods for armor. For example, they add 10 point for this actor value in the VATS Enhanced legendary armor mod. And then use this in the perk's entry point. Instead why not try with different function for the entry point - Multiply:

Value = Value * 0.50

I see Bethesda used this method to double the action point cost for another legendary mod(Stalker's). Not sure why in the case of VATS Enhanced they didn't just use Value*0.90. Still, I could be wrong about this.


Edit: Make sure you clean up your plugin with FO4Edit, because it includes some overrides not related to Blitz. Unless that's intentional.

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