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Creation Kit Question about Clothing


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Hey there, I'm working on a mod currently, to add various clothing retextures to Skyrim, however I would like to do this without having to make and edit Meshes for compatibility reasons so people can use any Mesh replacers they want, and simply just need my textures.


So I was given advice and had tried different things, one I came across which I thought would work, but did not was armorAddOn.


Example; Bar Maids outfit Variation 4

Biped model; Clothes\FarmClothes03\farmerrobe_1.nif

SkinTexture; MyTexture

First Person; Clothes\FarmClothes03\1stPersonfarmerrobe_1.nif


Now I thought this would work in theory, but I was wrong. Instead of SkinTexture using MyTexture.dds to replace the outfits texture, it literally replaced the Skin of the body.



EDIT; Nevermind I discovered my mistake.


So my question is this; Is it possible to make armor, using my textures that still referance to default path .Nifs for Meshes.


Basically have SkinTexture replace the armors texture instead of the Skin of the body.


Thanks for any advice.



Edited by Paulimposteur
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