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Adding new attacks to creatures?


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Hiya, I made a cyber dog texture a while back and I was thinking of putting them in-game, if you've played Old World Blues (which you should, its amazing) you'll know that Cyber-Dogs can use a shock-wave attack. I think the Robo-brains in this game might use the same attack, so I wanted to know if its possible to get a dog to do it to?


Another creature I'm working on is a Cazador stand-in, I'm calling it the Hell-fire Blow fly. The thing is though, the Blow fly doesn't use a melee attack. To make up for it, I tried to get it to shoot poison barbs, I made a new embedded weapon but the Blow fly wouldn't use it. Is their something the game needs to know about the weapon before it can use it? Or is it something else?

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scarycave - Hello!

"I think the Robo-brains in this game might use the same attack, so I wanted to know if its possible to get a dog to do it to?"

I think it's possible, the dog skeleton would need a projectile node. I've never done anything like that so I'm not certain on the details but it seems like it could be done. Fire ants are multi legged & fire a weapon.

"I made a new embedded weapon but the Blow fly wouldn't use it. Is their something the game needs to know about the weapon before it can use it?"

Yes, if you look at the vanilla Bloatfly's stat window in GECK, in the Traits tab you will see a "Weapons List" with a pull down box.

In that box you will see "EmbededWeapons" selected.

Weapons List's are a Form List with the specific weapons that can be used by the creature, if a weapon is not on the list it can't use it.

You can see the actual EmbededWeapons list by going down to the "Form List" heading under Misellaneous in GECK's object window.

You could add your new embeded weapon to the existing list, the problem with that is that any other mod that changes it & loads below yours will overwrite your changes.

What I do in these circumstances is create my own EmbededWeapons form list like MYMODEmbededWeapons & add in any embeded weapons that are need by creatures in my mod.

You then go to your creature & point their Weapons List to your new one.

They'll now use the new weapon in their inventory & no other mod can mess with it.

Also don't forget the most obvious, make sure they also have ammo for their embeded weapon in their inventory. :smile:

Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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While I didn't have any luck making a projectile node for the Cyber Dog (Not to big of a deal though, since it only seems to apply to the big-empty ones, instead I added shock damage to their bite - its like a furry tazer with teeth), the Blowflies on the other hand...worked perfectly! :smile:

I was able to change their barbs to flames, so now they spew fire. Which I really like so far. I think I might go around and make a poison blowfly as well. :smile:


Heck, since I'm making a Cyber-Dog - why not make Cyber-Blowflies, one that shoots energy weapons, and one that shoots like a mini-gun.

I think you might have accidentally started a Blowfly uprising. :D

Edited by scarycave
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