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Dreadweave Mod & OLDblivion conflict?


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Installed the OLDblivion mod ("HERESY!" I hear you cry) to make this beautiful game work on my old and meagre PC, then heard about the Dreadweave mod and grabbed it quick.


So, picture the scene: Level 9 charcter venturing out into Daedra and Necromancer country with really naff armour and some mediocre weapons, battling through the Ayelid dungeon thing specifically get this armour, only to find it's not even there.


Yes, I've installed the mod as on the instructions. Yes, I've ensured the Dreadweave mod is enabled when I load the game. But beyond that, I'm stumped. Any thoughts or help gratefully received.... =S

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Incidentally, is anyone on here actually using OLDblivion? It seems everywhere I go, everyone's raving about their Crossfire-powered PCs and moaning about how they can't get a screen res above 2000x1400 or something. I can just about run the damn thing at 800x600 with OLDblivion, and even still, that's jerky as hell....

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