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Suggestions needed - Steel Plate shield


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Hi guys, I want you opnions on the shield I'm creating.


It's a steel plate shield, made to be used with the vanilla steel plate set.Only mesh, as I don't texture.


I pretend to give it the stats the vanilla steel plate would have if it was finished ( stats from the Official Guide ), wich are 28 AR, 14 weight and worth 325g.The shield is pretty big, because this way it protects more from arrows and bolts.



What do you think?Will it fit well with the vanilla steel plate?Is the shape good?Should there be a wooden frame behind the metal, just like the steel shield?Should it be smaller?Please share your opnion!

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It is hard to gauge how big it is because we have nothing to compare it to but I agree it should be quite big. I would suggest not making its shape so uniform ie add cuts and dints so it feels more used and realistic. I wouldn't recommend putting a wooden frame behind the metal (perhaps a thicker metal edge that is visible from the back that would be designed to make bladed weapons not cut so deep into the shield) because the shield is designed to take large impacts and should feel heavy and thick.

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