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Non-combat-oriented NPCs should flee in the presence of danger


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Hey everyone! I've been looking for a mod that causes non-combat-oriented NPCs to flee when danger arises. I know there are mods to cause NPCs to flee when vampires and dragons attack, but I'm looking for one that causes them to flee when any threat appears, even the player (in the event that the player attacks an innocent person). Obviously, NPCs such as guards and Companions won't flee, but an average citizen shouldn't be as confrontational as they are already. I've had no luck finding a mod that does this kind of thing, and I have searched far and wide, including here on these very forums. Does anyone know of a mod that does this, and if there isn't one, would it be possible to make? It would be great if this existed.


Thanks a lot!

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If you don't mind using console you can target every person in town and use "Setav confidence 0" this makes them run from every threat imaginable.


even a little mudcrab can feel big terrorizing the city streets.


I use this in most of my saves. You do it one time for every npc and save the game and it should be permanent (until you change it via console again)

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Yeah, I was thinking about that, but I just thought it'd be a pain to go and do it for every appropriate NPC in every town that I want to terrorize. Is it possible to use the console to target multiple people at once? If so, I'll just do that and then restore the confidence stat of the NPCs who I still want to fight. The combat-oriented NPCs are likely less in number than those who are not, so that would be easier.

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Handyman, good to know. I'll just stick with that unless I come across a mod for it. Thanks.


Zog, those actually aren't the mods I'm looking for. Those mods only cause citizens to flee from dragons and vampires. I want a mod that causes them to flee from ANY hostile character, including the player.

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