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Skyrim freezes momentarily about 5-6 times per minute


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I'm not sure why. I have 153 mods installed but they're all working perfectly together with no conflicts or errors. I'm running the game on High settings with about 45 fps constantly so it's not an issue with my computer not being able to run it. It's worked fine with about 135 mods installed but after adding a few more tweaks and a couple of vampire mods it's been screwing around with me. It's especially bad at night time. Currently whenever I fast travel to Whiterun i'm attacked by 2 Master Vampires and 2 thralls, but I just cannot fight, kite or anything because of these freezes. It's like trying to watch a video on YouTube that buffers every 5 seconds, but I can't just pause the game and let it buffer. Any suggestions?


No, I will not uninstall any mods unless they're very unimportant ones and I'll try lowering my graphics settings to medium to see if it helps at all.

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