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Bring Back Attributes


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Skyrim feels really dumbed down since it has no attribute system, theres no sense of specialization. a weak high elf mage can wield a sword just as effectively as pumped up orc warrior, and theres no real sense of diversity or advantages in races besides the nords and dark elf with thier 50% resistance to frost and fire respectively. while Skyre kinda fixes the race issue, someone should add attributes through the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system from fallout which was a scale of 1-10. i dont think its possible for attributes to directly affect skills, but each should affect a certain aspect like these


Strength: should affect melee damage through a multiplier ( x2.0 for 10 strength, x1.0 for 5 strength) along with carry weight

Perception: should affect damage with a bow or crossbow through a similar multiplier

Endurance: should affect base health and stamina somehow (10En= 200hp/stam at level 1)

Charisma: should affect your dispositon level (like in oblivion) and affect prices based on your level (10Ch= 25% better prices)

Intelligence: should affect how well you can craft items (10In= 50% stronger enchantments/improvements/potion) also should affect magicka just like endurance would affect health and stamina

Agility: should affect attack speed with bows and melee weapons along with movement speed

Luck: not really sure, maybe affect shout recharge speed and damage?

-The last one is not from fallout-

Willpower: should affect spell cost and recharge speed of Health, Stamina, and magicka

Edited by qualadutyblackops
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