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Need Help!


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Hey all. Let me just say thanks for taking the time to look at this post.


Ok onto the problem. Some of you maybe familiar with my companion mod Jessi




I am progressing nicely with Jessi and i have ironed out most of her initial teething problems and I am now proceeding to add some new exciting feature which will allow you to customize Jessi as well as customize yourself.


Anyway i have had this really niggly problem bugging me for ages and i need to solve it so if there any Wizz kid (Old saying :) ) programmers/Scripters on here can you please help me.


The problem is i have set up a Pipboy light for jessi which serves more as a Beacon to see where shes at in a fight because shes sorta independent/Young and likes to do things her own way so she rushes into a fight with all guns blazing so we need to see where shes at.


Anyway, The Problem: The pipboy light works of of an Ability and uses basic variables 1=on 0=off :)

But now heres the thing: When i change zone she looses her light :( I have tried ShowVars from the console and her Light variable is still set at 1/on.


Now as her light gets triggered from a dialogue my guess is for some reason the piplight resets on zoning as i have noticed with the 'PC' piplight.


So what i need is someway to tell FO3 to check all the time to see if Flashlight Variable is 1/on and so re-active the Spell. My first thoughts was with a Package but i have tried and can't seem to get it to work. I know its hardly game breaking but i hate any sort of disfunction to be in the mod.


Any help would be greatful. Thanks people.

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have you trie looking at the other paks you have in the NPCs AI invantory and seeing if theres a conflict of conditions.
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Here are some trouble shooting area and things to target and try.


It seems to me that the game is unconfiguring the set up you have upon loading screens. So I would target looking for the issues on that. You could also try setting the mod itself to a read only file so that way the game cannot make any changes to it.


You could also try this:


Find out what exactly causes it not to change when you load the game.

you said it's fine when you load the game, it just shuts off when you move from one area to the next right? Well since there is no difference in loading the game and changing areas with a loading screen so you could check that


Also have you thought to try looking at the caravan guards to possibly get some ideas for what might be going on. After all they are companions too aren't they?


The last thing you could check is finding out why the light doesn't shut off on your character when you go from area to area and then apply that to your companion.



Hope this helps!

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Here are some trouble shooting area and things to target and try.


It seems to me that the game is unconfiguring the set up you have upon loading screens. So I would target looking for the issues on that. You could also try setting the mod itself to a read only file so that way the game cannot make any changes to it.


You could also try this:


Find out what exactly causes it not to change when you load the game.

you said it's fine when you load the game, it just shuts off when you move from one area to the next right? Well since there is no difference in loading the game and changing areas with a loading screen so you could check that


Also have you thought to try looking at the caravan guards to possibly get some ideas for what might be going on. After all they are companions too aren't they?


The last thing you could check is finding out why the light doesn't shut off on your character when you go from area to area and then apply that to your companion.



Hope this helps!


Thanks mate for the reply.


I have tried many things with no success. I am guessing there a answer by putting a If/Endif in the : BEGIN GameMode section of her script.


I have tried several things and did actually get it to work by putting a command in the: BEGIN OnCombatEND.


But it was random and seemed to fire and then sometime it would'nt which is strange because that should fire everytime she leaves combat.


All i did was put a basic add spell command in there which should just fire when she leaves combat.



You said above that the .esp can be written too? I dont get that. Is that true.


Also you said that the player Piplight stays on when zoning which is false because on mine and several other peoples rigs it turns off on almost every zone which seems to be a problem with the Engine/game itself.


Saying all this there must be a way to check a simple variable for 1 or 0 from withing the script and then active a spell.


It would have to be something thats checked like all the time or atleast everytime you change cells. Im not the best scripter on the planet so any help would really be appreciated.


Heres the script for my NPC and the Variable to check is JessiREF.FlashlightOn (Choices 1/on 0/off)

Also the Spells name is: JessiFlashlight




scn JessiSCRIPT



;** Jessi **

short JessiHired

short JessiFired

short HasBeenHired

short WeaponOut

short CombatStyleRanged

short CombatStyleMelee

short IsFollowingDefault

short IsFollowingShort

short IsFollowingLong

short Waiting

short DoOnce

short FlashlightOn

short JessiHealPercent


BEGIN GameMode

; Keep her out of Vault 87.


if ( player.getincell Vault87c && GetQuestRunning MQ08 && JessiHired == 1 )

set JessiHired to 0

set JessiFired to 1

JessiREF.moveto MS11FollowerEscapeHatchInteriorRef

ShowMessage FollowerMessageLeaveJessi








; I have removed this since i have added a self heal script.

; heal up

if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 )


restoreav perceptioncondition 100

restoreav endurancecondition 100

restoreav leftattackcondition 100

restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100

restoreav rightattackcondition 100

restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100







if ( JessiHired == 1 )

set JessiHired to 0

ShowMessage FollowerMessageDeadJessi







Any help would be appreciated.

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Heya Loxy.


Have a look at this. I didn't test it extensively (I have crash issues in FO3 on this machine) but I went to most of the Megaton interiors and it stayed on.


if flashlighton == 1
	MikaSniperREF.addspell MikaFlashlight


I had high hopes for this, but it does not in fact work.

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alternatively you could add a block of code that when to travel into a new location (zone/cell w/e) basically checks once to see if Lighton = 1, then sets lighton = 0, then back to 1 again (turning it off then on, might refresh the 'on-state' even if it says it was already on but not showing. simplest solution imho
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I tried exactly the same thing Alex and it didnt work for me also :(


And i did try an off/on to refresh it but for some reason then the light only worked when i spoke to her :) and then turned off when i exited dialogue. LoL


I have thought of changing it when the cell changes but i'm not sure of the command to use so any help would be appreciated.


Skree000. Can you point me in the right direction of the command i should be using?


I should be able to write the code but i am unsure on the actually command. I can then look it up on the Wiki.


Anyone know of any sites that lists every command and its usage? I hate the wiki tbh.

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Unfortunately, Skree is on the wrong track. There's nothing special about the FlashlightOn variable that convinces the game to apply that effect. It's just something we keep so we know which dialog (if it were working correctly) to show the player, ie turn it on or turn it off.


I had another look through the get... functions on the wiki, and I don't see a solution. My backup method would have been to put something in gamemode that recorded what zone she was in, and if it changed, turn the light on. That does not look to be possible.

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Its annoying the hell out of me now. I have tried setting commands directly in the gamemode to set the variable 0 and remove the spell and then 1 and add it but still doesn't work.


I was under the impression that gamemode/Script was checked continuous ?

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