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How to correctly use "Music Type" ?


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Hello guys, how can I properly use the "Music Type" of creation kit ?

It is possible to create unique songs from anywhere in the game with "Music Type"?

For example, in the battle against Ancano I want to add a song of combat unique to that moment. I just need to go on the Creation Kit and create a file called "Combat with Ancano" in the "Music Type", and so the game will understand that any music I add in this package will be exclusive to this battle?

Pretty simple, so?

Edited by FillipeMattos
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I learned recently working in the creation kit. Led many month to finaly have acquired sufficient knowledge and dominate some parts that powerfull tool. It's true, I yet have much to learn, but each day I go explored new horizons and I'II discovered a mode appropriate to make my game something well greatest and unforgettable.

this speech is for improve my english same, without this disgrace of translator Google, that translates all wrong, generating several interpretations by forum user.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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