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Skyrim movement bug


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I recently installed a couple of new mods such as; ACE combat, the ragdoll one, duel combat, elven weaponary, and better bows. Now, I am getting this bug where whenever I move forward a few steps or so, my charcter will start running into this invisible wall and moving backwards. Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried deactivating all my recently installed mods to see what was causing it but the glitch is still there.
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since I don't use any of those mods, I can't say if they are causing it. Deactivating a mod doesn't mean its entirely gone tho, they leave traces behind in ur savegame so maybe that's what's going on.


You might have to load a save before these recent additions and if you don't have one well you should. Check the backups but its always a good idea to keep a save before installing new mods so if this type of thing happens, you can just roll back.

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