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Melee Combat Animation Revamp


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So, I've come to the realization that the melee combat animations (swinging your weapon back and forth in a frenzied manner) is really tired and simplistic. I really wanted to do something to make the more non-generic weapons like the katana, Chinese sword, etc. look like it was being swung with actual force (and skill) rather than being waved around. Upon opening the FNV G.E.C.K, I then realized that I had no idea what I was doing. I do have a strong desire to see this happen however, and I believe others would enjoy it too. If someone with the know-how is interested in this rather ambitious undertaking I would be glad to support however I could. I don't know much right now, but I'm a quick learner. The largest issue that I've come across is the severe lack of tutorials on this subject.


If you're interested, posting in the thread is appreciated, however I'll only be able to check this intermittently throughout the week, but I am on Skype pretty much 24-7. Ping me if you feel that you can help make this happen, or at least point me in the right direction.


Thanks =)

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