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Reinstall weirdness


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So... I updated NMM Community and it decided to uninstall all my mods, no choice, well, it said it was going to uninstall all my mods, I could have it reinstall them, I could do it myself, or I could cancel and reinstall the prior version. Not much choice. Decided to do to FO4 what I did recently to Skyrim. So I RARed my FO4 folder ( appended 'Broken' to the file name so I know not to just extract it and try using it), told Steam to uninstall FO4, deleted what was left in the C:\Steam\ * yadda * \Fallout4 folder. RARed up the C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Games\Fallout 4 folder, deleted it. Backed up the My Documents\My Games\Fallout4 folder, deleted it. Now that all the old cancer was removed, told Steam to install FO4, ran FO4 Launcher and reconfigured it, ran NMM, and proceeded to download and reinstall my mods, including a fresh copy of F4SE from Silverlock, a fresh copy of ENB and the Vivid preset. Ran FO4. And the little weird oddities started to show up. Some of the options in the character creation menu started with "$", got into the game proper and noticed the MCM in the "Esc" menu was $Mod_Config , the pipboy was still on my character's left arm even though I had PipPad installed (and prior to NMM borking up my install, the pipboy would poof leaving just the Pippad), umm, pip light is on but when going into a dialog the light would vanish. My dialog options would be all 4 cardinal points instead of the Full Dialog Menu's all 4 in a single column with numbers. Oh! And the options would be the 4 arrows, not numbers, yet in the Settings menu it shows "Game Pad" as 'off'' as I don't have one installed atm. What the heck did I do to break the game this badly without even having played it once? O.o

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