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steelhorse69 - BANNED

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steelhorse69 banned.




Reason for the ban


Attack on other site user in file comments:


steelhorse69, on 22 Apr 2013 - 14:54, said:


@ AndromedaCrescent:


Wow, a little touchy aren't we?


I think you need to grow up, or just go screw yourself. This forum is meant for people to express themselves. I played this mod, enjoyed some parts of it, but took the time to give my honest opinion of it, which I did. I have just as much right to freely express myself as any other gamer here. You won't "tolerate these types of comments"? Go establish your totalitarian state somewhere else, mein Fuhrer.


If you don't like it, and resort to belittling people who don't bow down before you and praise you as some kind of god, you've got serious problems. And I have no idea why you think I have "a personal vendetta" against the author. I don't.


And yes, I think considering the options of laying frag mines in strategic spots, or using one weapon instead of another, or attacking a group of enemies from one direction instead of another, is TACTICS. What the hell do you think "tactics" mean?


Nuff said, Risen 2 style.


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