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Mod Recuest: Cannibalisim


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I think the idea of cannibalism in the wastelands is a logical progression of a post-nuclear world, so why not expand on what FO3 already provides in the form of the Cannibal perk? We have slaves and slavers, so why not buy and sell people as food animals?


I propose a mod that would change elements of Paradise Falls and aspects of the game to reflect this idea.



  1. Changing out the roasting bramin for a roasting woman.
  2. Adding the ability to buy slaves for the express purpose of using them as an alternative food source to the 200 year old, badly radiated leftovers of the prewar world.
  3. Perhaps a new style stove for whole roasting/frying people, or a spit roasting prop you could use while wandering the wastes.
  4. Ability to harvest "human flesh" and/or "strange meat" from the bodies (which would then become 'dismembered' ".
  5. A better animation for eating.


Of course, going this rout would GREATLY reduce your karma, making you a virtual pariah among good and very good NPCs.


The benefits would be an un or less radiated food source, or one that's at least safer to eat than food you get out of a 200 year old fridge, and some 'good' fun for evil characters. :thumbsup:



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Actually, chances are Wasteland humans are just as badly irradiated as the rest of the Wasteland fauna, especially when you consider biomagnification. You say getting instant mashed potatoes out of a two hundred year old fridge is dangerously irradiated, imagine eating a human that has eaten hundreds of them over their lifetime.
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  • 4 weeks later...
You say getting instant mashed potatoes out of a two hundred year old fridge is dangerously irradiated, imagine eating a human that has eaten hundreds of them over their lifetime.


Actually, I was saying that 200 y/o food CAN'T be very good to eat. I mean, COME ON! If I leave leftovers in the fridge more than a week, it starts looking like a science project gone wrong!


We already have 'Hunters' with 'strange meat'. Why not expand on that, and make it a possible option in the slave pens of Paradise Falls? Humans bread and raised as food for the starving masses of the wasteland. Or captured to be butchered for cold cuts, or BBQed ribs? You get a choice to either join the hunt and get payed (loosing a great deal of karma), or rescuing the poor souls (and GAINING a bunch of karma).


If I'm playing a cannibal, I'd like a place where I can go shopping! lol

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what i'm wodnering is why just a roasting Woman? why ntoh ave a roastign woman and roasting man?



Mainly for the aesthetics. I'm a guy, and I like the female form... Even a roasting one! :biggrin:

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i think the to maxamize appeal there should be bothe.



Well, I have no objection to that. I just think women would taste better. lol Don't ask why, I have no idea. :ermm:

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