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Weird bug interacting with objects - not the freeze bug


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Hello everyone,


So here's the problem, when I interact with objects such as chairs, alchemy tables, etc, my character does the correct animation and the menu shows up, if that's the case, but it immediatly closes them, or gets up, as if someone was spamming the exit button.


I have tried spamming e or tab with no results.


I also recently installed Dynavision which is fabled to bloat save games and a hard save i had from before installing it works fine with or without it active.


I have also tried deactivating Dynavision. Again, no results.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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After some testing i can verify that something is causing a spam of the tab button because after I used an object and pressed shift to run, my steam menu showed up, whose combination is shift + tab which means that after using an object something makes the tab button be spammed for a while.

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Ok, so after some testing I discovered teh culprit, Magic Duel - Reborn since as soon as I deactivated it the object interaction came back to normal.


Anyways, thanks for the suggestion zzjay and to everyone else, have a nice day.

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