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Armor mods


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So I was thinking, we've seen a lot of great armor mods, but I almost wonder why no one has done something else with them, someone released a dark souls armor mod at some point, but it's only one set out of many others.


Why don't we see more modders for that sort of thing tapping into more of the amazing looking armors from dark souls for mods? You'd be guaranteed lots of endorsements and downloads

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Probably because endorsements and downloads aren't the only reason people mod. Directly copying someone else's design from another game feels unoriginal to a lot of people. It has to be fulfilling to work with, and for that scenario to happen the person has to
1) Have played Dark Souls
2) Enjoy the art direction enough to be intimately familiar with the design work
3) Have the required skills and time available to create the model (porting is forbidden here)
4) Actually want to make one as opposed to an original design that feels more personal.

This is why specific things from other media rarely gets done. It's very time consuming and people generally only mod for their own interests. I could think of a billion things to make if I wanted a crapton of internet points and recognition for it but it has to be creatively stimulating to do above all, and the artist alone defines what that is for them.

Edited by nuska
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