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Problem with ENB & SSAO


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So, basically... I've been using ENBs on Skyrim for a long time. I've used SSAO with most of them with no problems at all until recently. Whenever I stand near something in-game, be it an NPC, wall, or what have you, if it has shadows, I can see it through whatever I'm holding in first-person. The problem doesn't happen with SSAO off, which is a simple fix, but I would really, really like to keep SSAO on. I've never had this issue in the past, and I'm not sure why it's happening now.


My graphics card is a 2GB SAPPHIRE ATI Radeon HD 6950. As for this being an issue with ATI, I have many friends who don't have this problem.


I've also tried deleting my .ini files and starting from scratch, but it still persists. I made sure to set bFloatPointRenderTarget to 1 and all that jazz. I've even tried many different ENBs and versions as well.


Any help is much appreciated.


Example screenshots:












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