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Anyone want to help out a fellow mod author? I'm having some trouble with f'd up Nif files. I gave my esp file to another respected modder but he couldn't find any problems with it, only that something must then be wrong with the Nif mesh files. The files that are messed up are my 20mm carbine meshes. I didn't want to release my files to a lot of people, but I'm just completely stuck atm. So I have no choice but to release them to you guys at the nexus. (the site I only trust atm) Here is a link to my unfinished mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?bdtaimaaqap3v3w Anyways I need all the help I can get, and I will definitely add you into the credits if you can provide a solution to my problem=(the 20mm Carbines keep crashing ingame).

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yo dawg, I set out with the intention to help you and I bear good news and bad news:

Bad news: I couldn't find your problem
Good news: it works f***ing fine for me. The world needs more 20mm Carbines and yours is hilariously awesome (which is why I didn't bother looking any further since I had too much fun blowing s*** up with a 20mm carbine with explosive ammo)

So I'd say have a few more people test it. Did you test this on a clean FNV installation? just my 2cents, cuz I didn't see any prob in the NIF and ingame worked fine too. Does your game crash when you equip the weapon or what's exactly the prob?

I used your FO3mods back in the hey day, fun stuff

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WTF, Its working for you? Yea did a clean re-install of New Vegas with only my mod activated and it still crashes when I try to attach weapon mods on the 20mms. That is so strange because it works for some people and doesn't for others... maybe there is a mod conflict? Tho that wouldn't make any sense since I did a clean re-install and it still crashes. Also the 20mm turrets are bugged. Sometimes they fire at the enemy and sometimes they don't. (they track the enemy but don't fire on them) Ah, I don't know. I bet there's just some kind of hidden corruption in my ESP file or NIF meshes that I can't fix with the standard modding tools. That means I'm gonna have to start everything from scratch, which will be a b&@*$ to do. Right now I'm just too demoralized and need a break from modding. Don't want to waste hours trying to troubleshoot all these bugs. Sorry for my b&@*$ rant, but I used to mod because it was fun, exciting, and satisfying, now it just feels like a chore or work with no payoff....

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Guys, if you'll say which game this is for, we'll move it to the appropriate forum.

There's a "Mod Author" one for the major games (I'd guess FO, but not sure.)

But the "General" forum isn't the place...

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Hello brothershogo !


Just wanted to say thanks for the 25 and 40mm cannon stuff, you did for FO3, I use it and they are a lot of fun.


If you do manage to do some NV stuff, I am working on a mod "Project Brazil" that could use a weapon or two, the mod is so old it started on FO3, and now it is NV and whatever assets they left in the BSA's for nv from FO3 we are using.


We are almost ready to release chapter one, anything in chapter 2 will be used in the worldspace, BIG worldspace, 34x40... and will be lots of room for really big guns :)


1st chapter is in a vault atmosphere.


almost 4 years in the making, would be cool if you wanted to help, PM so I do not forget about this thread.


But thanks, you have done a lot already :)




PS just noticed the link, will DL and see if I can help any...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just 6 nifs out of 100 or so are bad and crashing geck and game, I have fixed all other crash problems including vendors home, get those to run in geck and game and it is all work to get all the forms, recipes, modkits quests, ect squared away.


If anyone is good at fixen nifs, look at these from the archive, link posted above.






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