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Khazad Dum Skyrim using Vanilla Assets


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Using nothing but the falmer race, a dwemer dungeon and companions that are part of Skyrim or user client companions, perhaps a scriptable dungeon using nothing but vanilla assets so people can customize the experience themselves, using their own companions, gear, etc etc, which resembles the Lord of the Rings scene in Khazad Dum. could be made?


I mean, dwemer dungeons now are good but I was thinking what if I was being chased by more falmer and had to escape this dungeon really quick and then I had the idea from LOTR in that scene in the fellowship.


FYI I am not asking for LOTR armor or weapons just a quest or something that is like, you go in like any typical dwemer quest looking for something, but then s#*! hits the fan and this time you don't have a quick way out you have to take another escape path and if possible are timed. Not only that but I was thinking one could make the falmer spawn in huge numbers but they are all relatively weak and feeble, and can swarm even the toughest knights or mages your avatar might be.


If you had too, maybe a Balrog sort of creature could be a beefed up Centurion or something big but a not a Dragon as dragons indoor really suck. Dunno what the rewards would be but only at the end, so no pick ups or chests inside the dungeon because it should be more about combat and survival rather than a typical dungeon loot. Also by this time I'm pretty sure all of you have everything you need by now. If not the rewards like I said should be crammed near the end so there can be a focus.


What do you guys think? Bad idea? I was thinking it may not work if some people are beefed up mages with firestorm or something.

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