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I want to know if it is possible to use bethesda mods and vortex(nexus) mods at the same time and if so how. I am not a modern or anything like that , I just would like to use mods from both without my game crashing or my player standing completely still and no movement. If anyone can help that would be great, thank you.
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I installed a ~couple of Mods via Bethesda prior to discovering mod managers, the Nexus, and other mod sites. One is a player home called Waterview (the one in the Rift, also available from Nexus - albeit updated), and something else, although I can't recall which, as well as over 300 mods installed via Nexus.


The mods installed via Bethesda don't show up in Vortex (my choice for mod manager) but they work


I have not installed any Bethesda mods via the in game system since installing Vortex, so I don't know about mixing sources over time (ie, these mods from beth, then these via mod manager, then some from beth, then some from mod manager...). Someone else will have to answer that if this is where you're going.


T-pose issues (player stuck standing still) are (in my experience) usually caused by a problem when FNIS is run. My first experience with T-posing was caused by me ignorantly installing some LE animation pack.


The game crashing can be caused by many things, from failing to install a required support mod (also known as "dependencies" or "requirements"), installing LE mods, installing incompatible mods, critical load order problems, etc.

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