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Disk space problem with Texture Pack Combiner


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Hi all,

I'm new to Nexus and modding in general really. After a little research I decided to try the Texture Pack Combiner by Cestral. It looked like a lot to take on so I used the TPC installer app by Drigger to help sort and extract the textures and meshes. I have a few different drives on my computer and I installed the all the mods and the TPC installer app on my G: drive. Nexus, however, is installed on my C: drive. The problem is, whenever I run the TPC installer app and it combines all these textures 7zip gets an error saying that there isn't enough disk space. MY G: drive has over 300GB available but my C drive only had about 14GB free. The first time it worked great but Nexus would stop responding when trying to add the TPC mod. Then I decided to combine Just the mandatory mods to save on space but each time I ran the installer app my C: drive would lose disk space and now I only have about 1GB available , and now when I try to run the TPC installer app it gives me an error saying that there isn't enough disk space.I haven't installed anything else on my C: Drive in that time and I don't know where these mystery files are stored taking up precious disk space. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if you have any questions about my ramblings please ask. Thank you.

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Personally, I would copy your mods folder in the Nexus Mod Manager\ Skyrim directory to a new location on the G: drive, uninstall NMM and re-install NMM on the G: drive. You can the move the mods folder back to the new Nexus Mod Manager\ Skyrim directory, re-install your mods and have plenty of space.

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