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[LE] Creation Kit Shackles, AI packages and markers. Help?

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In the Hearthfire Extended mod, there are cellar extensions that allow shackles in a torture room. I realised that NPC wont spawn in them as it wasn't a feature and more for decoration. So I went into creation kit and did the following


1. Dropped an NPC with no AI Packages (NordPresetMale06)


2. Duplicated and renamed ShackleWallMarker that's used in the Dawnstar sanctuary and called it CellarShacklesMarker


3. Duplicated and renamed XMarker and called it CellarShacklesXMarker


4. I then set the AI package for NordPresetMale06 to be only SitTarget


5. Link reffed from CellarShacklesMarker to CellarShacklesXMarker


6. Link reffed from NordPresetMale06 to CellarShacklesXMarker


And I load up my save into the cellar and he's just chilling by the shackles. I'm at my wits end because I'm trying everything I'm finding online and Its not working. Because its such a specific thing that hasn't gathered much attention, there's not much information I can find about shackles and when I find a forum they're already in shackles and its always about the SetRestrain and not the fact they're not in the shackles.


Makes me have a bigger appreciation for even the smallest mods though because this makes me wanna slam head into the f*#@ing ground.

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When I have an issue like this I think back to the game if there is something similar to what I wanna do.
If I'm reading what you want correctly you want an NPC to be shackled.


ThoraldGrayMane "Thorald Gray-Mane" [NPC_:0001C241]
is shackled in the quest
MS09 "Missing In Action" [QUST:0001CF26]
it seems the package
MS09ThoraldImprisoned [PACK:00046B93]
is what keeps Thorald shackled. It uses the Sit package Template. Also it doesn't use a XMarker. It points him directly to the FURN object to use.

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