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Dragons Shifting to Human Form


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Forgive me if this has already been addressed somewhere, and I've missed it. After a good bit of digging through the forum, all I found was a lot of interest in changing the player character into a dragon.


While that's certainly an intriguing idea, I'm more interested in the roleplay and combat potential of dragons having the ability to cloak themselves in human form. It seems it would have been a valuable talent to have back when dragons ruled. Given the immense levels of magic natural to dragons, a bit of shape-shifting seems as though it would be rather easy for them.


I imagine a Dovah in human form would look anything but ordinary. Tall, disturbingly beautiful regardless of gender, powerful. They last walked the world as gods, after all, and would be unlikely to want to take on a less awe-inspiring aspect.


Shifted, they would retain all of their dragon shouts and magical ability but be unable to fly (no wings). In a fight, they could either shift back to dragon form or summon armor and weapons to themselves equivalent to well-enchanted dragonbone. Another reasonable limitation would be the inability to shift back to dragon form if indoors or underground (no room), unless in a very large cavern. If joined as a companion, it would be amusing if a shifted dragon sometimes complained about going into caves because they're all so cramped.


As companions, friendly/indifferent dragons could be persuaded through dialogue or as a quest reward to accompany the dovahkiin either for a limited time before leaving to see to Important Dragon Business or until dismissed. Companion dragons could also shift to be used as flying transport if needed.


Combat ability while in human form could scale relative to the type of dragon.


Anyway, I would love to see something like this added to the world of Skyrim. If someone has already done something like this or is working on it, I'd also love a pointer in their direction!



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