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Valheim+ Difficulty tweaking


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I'm basically wanting to make the base game 2x as difficult as the vanilla play through using valheim+ regardless of how many people are in the server or so that is scales accurately across the game, i don't want to be in 1 area with 1 person and a boar take 15 shots then walk away and be on my own and the boar take 2 shots, i can see these options:


; The games damage multiplier per person nearby in difficultyScaleRange(m) radius. gameDifficultyDamageScale=0.1

; The games health multiplier per person nearby in difficultyScaleRange(m) radius. gameDifficultyHealthScale=1 ;

Adds additional players to the difficulty calculation in multiplayer unrelated to the actual amount extraPlayerCountNearby=0 ;

Sets the nearby player count always to this value + extraPlayerCountNearby setFixedPlayerCountTo=0 ;

The range in meters at which other players count towards nearby players for the difficulty scale difficultyScaleRange=200


Do you think its a simple case of changing the 0.1 to 0.2? my thoughts would be that the game is 10% more difficult per person rather than double using those values.


Also can anyone confirm if the difficulty scale range goes up to the max integer 2147483647?

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