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Main quest bug?


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Im hoping someone can tell me how to solve this ( It may be a bug or perhaps its my fault during the main quest ). Im in the Zainab village and trying to be named Neraverine by the Ashkan. When I attempt the neccessary conversation the only related topic about the Neverine results in the response '...interesting but who can say if its true' and I cant progress. HELP!
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Thats what I thought but I only get the option of 'Nerevarine prophecy' and a few others which are non related and get the above response. Ive tried talking to everyone else in Zainab who tell me to talk to the Ashkahn.
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You have to talk to the Ashkan about "nerevarine", and his disposition must be over 70. You must already have the moon and star ring, etc. from Azura


Then he should give you 2 choices.. You should be able to move on from there.

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Got the moon and star ring and disposition is at 100.

I checked various walkthroughs to see if I'd missed something but cant find any issues there. Whatever I do I dont get the option to be named Nerevarine.

It'll be very frustrating if I cant progress any further after getting this far through the game.

Thanks for your responses so far, keep them coming as I'll try anything.

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This is the hint taken from UESP:-


Sonummu Zabamat

Once you reach the Wise Womans Yurt and talk to Sonummu Zabamat and show her your proofs to fulfill the Nerevarine Prophecies. She tells you to talk to Ashkhan Kaushad. In order to get him to talk to you about the Prophecies you will need to raise his disposition to around 70 by the usual means, or by giving him a gift of exquisite shoes. Still, Kaushad is just a little wary of your claims and if you ask him to set you a task to prove yourself, he lets you know of a Vampire Calvario the the Nerano Ancestral Tomb which needs to be taken care of. The tomb is roughly North of the camp (East of Vos and Tel Mora) and will not be marked on your map.



And from UHS:-


Just barge right into the ashkhan's yurt and talk to Kaushad about "Nerevarine." Tell him your story, show him your proofs, and ask him to set you a task. If his disposition isn't high enough to take you seriously, you can talk to the wise woman in her yurt to learn that you can bribe Kaushad with a pair of exquisite shoes. If you don't have any of those and don't feel like going to the clothier in Tel Mora to get some, you'll have to use the standard admire and bribe options.


For your task, he'll send you off to kill a vampire named Calvario.


From which I would say,


As long as you have completed the Urshilaku tests, and by what you say you must have done, I can see no reason why the quest does not progress.


I don't know if it can be compromised if you have already killed the vampire. Have you?


If you are playing on PC ask for a console cheat!

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Thanks for the advice, much appreciated. I do get the wise womens prompt to speak to her leader after showing her proof so I guess the problem lies with the Ashkan. I dont think Ive killed the vampire in question and one walkthrough Ive read recommends killing him on the way to save time so I assume thats not the problem.

How do I go about getting a console cheat? Im aware of the console and inputting commands although Ive never used it.I guess its a testament to how great this game is that Im willing to continue to find a solution.

Thanks again to all who have helped so far.

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Ive noticed that I only get one related topic regardless of who i speak to in the village. However, after trying lots of different things Ive managed to get round it by using a console 'cheat' which completes that stage of the game.

Thanks to all who have helped.

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