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can you bypass the maximum number of mods?


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For a while I have a lot of mods not working, even the simpliest mods like weapon and armor mods not working, and I was so fraustrated that I came so close to reinstall oblivion and all the mods again. Until I just found out that it wasn't the file that doesnt work, it was that I have too many mods! I disabled some mods and enabled some previously non working mods (in equal numbers ) and and they worked miraculously! Thats when I realized there must be some maximum number of mods you can have...


But anyway, my question is can you bypass the maximum number of mods you can have? if so, how? whatever that number may be.......

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For a while I have a lot of mods not working, even the simpliest mods like weapon and armor mods not working, and I was so fraustrated that I came so close to reinstall oblivion and all the mods again. Until I just found out that it wasn't the file that doesnt work, it was that I have too many mods! I disabled some mods and enabled some previously non working mods (in equal numbers ) and and they worked miraculously! Thats when I realized there must be some maximum number of mods you can have...


But anyway, my question is can you bypass the maximum number of mods you can have? if so, how? whatever that number may be.......

Max is 255.


I recommend first you read about and then download Wrye Bash. Wrye Bash will tell you exactly how many mods running and it can be used to build a "bash patch" that will mash together into one plugin all your simple tweak style mods. You can also customize and add some tweaking of your own during the build of this custom bash patch.



Second, I highly recommend you read about and download Tes4Gecko.


These two methods are the way beyond the 255 plugin limit.


The only other way is to combine a bunch of mods yourself in the CS, but I wouldn't recommend that, because it's time-consuming and much more vulnerable to and prone to mistakes even for seasoned modders.

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I havn't either found the mod limit a barrier yet, I have about 120-130 mods. 255 would be a hell when using the CS..


Yes it is.


Why doesn't the CS allow for Alphabetical sorting?


Anyway, I use Wrye Bash to figure out where the mod I want to edit is in the load order, and then hunt for stuff nearby until I find the one I want. Sometimes I'll just redate the ones I want so they're at the bottom of the list.

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