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[MOD REQUEST] veggie chef


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food... farm food...

Is it possible to make more food recipes? with balanced stats
If i want to go crazy farmer with "planting plus", i would love to have some options that really should exist: turnips are only used in 1 recipe.... the meat stew, that's it
There should be more options:

turnip soup : carrots and turnips
"wild mushroom Galette" wich is simply a non-viking name for mixed mushroom pie
some insane stuff that takes 1 of all... i dunno

and many different combos
Why not a late game "farmers stew" with carrots, turnips, mushrooms, and more stuff that you can farm even if only with the "planting plus", but even if it takes a larger number of produce, something that has HP/stamina late game viable, so you can have 3 good farm foods

the game has a few models, just needs coding to multiply the options


ty :happy:

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