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Vampiric Drain - Destruction Leveling


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The thing that's always bothered me about Elder Scrolls games is why they don't seem to think it's appropriate to level destruction skills with your Vampiric Drain spell. The spell is useful but it would be nice if I could increase my destruction level when I use it. If there is already a mod that does this, I haven't found it in my searches, and I've searched for a long time...


As a second part, a much less important request, would be if someone knew how to modify an existing spell to have a different look and behaviour. I tried to get my SCK to work but it doesn't want to run, and crashes when I try to create my own content. Basically, I want to make a spell like Vladimir's "Transfuse", "Tides of Blood", and "Hemoplague". I'd love to be able to use such spells in Skyrim, and I'd go as far to say I'd pay a couple bucks for someone to create the mod for me.

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I just look at the vampiric drain spells in the CK. Based on the information, I am pretty sure that the spells are already able to level your destruction skill, just very slowly. The exp gain by destruction spells based on the cost, damage and skill usage mult. The strongest version of vampiric drain yields less exp than the novice spell Flames, which is the spell that gives the least exp.

As for the second part, I have never known about those spells before but I think their effects as I read are copyable

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Okay. So I managed to get my creation kit to work, and while I have a pretty good idea of how I'd go about making these for myself, I honestly am looking at a big scary enigma of a program. Do you know of any decent tutorials or useful starting help for me to watch or read?

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