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Large object not showing.


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Hi everybody, and thank you for looking at this . . .


I found a side note in one of the CK tutorials that said:


As of Creation Kit version there is a bug where larger Objects might sometimes not appear in game. A temporarly solution is to open the objects reference window and enable Is Full LOD, although this is not recommended as a permanent solution, as it may affect performance.


I enabled Is Full LOD, but nothing changed.


Can anybody help me with this? Or maybe suggest a good place to look for an answer?




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quick update for anybody searching for info on this problem:


I don't know why the large objects didn't show, but I went back and checked the mod several more times, and eventually the large objects all did show up. And they've stayed in place since then. This situation kind of reminds me of the old sitcoms where the actors would bang on the TV's to clear the picture. <lol> I'm happy to have my house, and I'm hoping to learn more about what's going on later on (after I've learned lots of other things). :o)

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