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Hearthfire quest delay?


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Has anyone done one, or does any one know of one?


Don't really get recieving the letter from the jarl, when I havem't done anything other then kill a few wolves and random bandits. Is there a way to delay the quest or at least change the peramiters?

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Un-check the Hearthfire.esm in NMM. Then re-check it when ready to play.

I know I could do that... but I'm looking more to change the prerequisites for the quest starting. Kind of a pain when you recieve a letter from the Jarl, and you either haven't been in his hold or you haven't done anything in the game worth even thought of by any Jarl. I guess it just breaks immersion for me a bit. Right now the only real prerequisite I could see was that you had to reach level 10.

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