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How do you get bold orange titles in your mod page?


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The Nexus mod comment pages use standard forum BBcode "markdown" syntax. I suspect (but haven't confirmed) that the description page follows that convention. (The terms "markup/markdown" are often used interchangeably, but there are technical syntax differences.) The forum replaces wiki "<angle brackets>" with BBcode "[square brackets]", presumably so it can "massage" the BBcode back into syntactically proper standard wiki markup.


You might want to test your markup/down syntax in the "Online Markdown Editor testbed" first. It can convert "markup" to "markdown" for you, and vice versa. Suspect you should be able to use the "font" and "color" tags in most places, but perhaps not in some the system regards as critical to proper functionality (such as the name/link of the mod).


* See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "Spoiler tags", etc..


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