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Black Books in Solstheim broke Skyrim


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okay so,

i was questing in the mine at raven rock, i just killed the priest thing at the end and opened the final gate. on a pedestal stood a 'Black Book' worth 2000 gold. me being me thought "oh, money, lets pick that up without saving first." What appeared to be a snake wrapped around my characters neck and jumped to a loading screen. in this loading screen my game crashed and i had to ctrl+alt+del to get to the desktop. i though oh well ill just have to kill the boss again so loaded up the game but when i try to load ANY save file i ctd.


Why oh why does it always happen to me?


anyways, im a little pissed off and dont really want to start a new game so: any suggestions?

as always, help is MUCH appreciated.



EDIT: Doesnt matter anymore. after leaving my game for a couple of hours everything works again. a little strange though

Edited by FFQOTSA
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